Newest addition to the fam.
Thanks to none other than Justin and Mazur for hooking this one up for me. Its a little upgrade for the D1 that I have been rocking for two or so years now. 9 frames per second, 12.6 mega pixel. This camera is the skate industry standard, amongst the Nikon brand. Very grateful for this, keep a look out in upcoming issues for some sequences.

Did a bit of driving over the weekend and came up upon this spot, it is actually less than 25 minutes from my house, in a area I never bothered to explore, cause I took it for grant it that there was nothing there. O'Con could do nothing but bitch about it, although myself personally found the spot to be quite good. Not really a good edge to grind, although tail skids and lipslides would work wonderfully here. Also found another good bank spot that is about as long as two football fields long. Waist high banks, with a nice medium transition to them. Not quite steep banks steep, but not quite do whatever trick you can think of on them. I'll get a photo of them later.

Overall the week was pure success. Managed to pull off a 90 percent on a test that I thought I would be lucky to get a 50, second highest grade in the class, making mom proud. New camera, new spots, good week.

Did a bit of driving over the weekend and came up upon this spot, it is actually less than 25 minutes from my house, in a area I never bothered to explore, cause I took it for grant it that there was nothing there. O'Con could do nothing but bitch about it, although myself personally found the spot to be quite good. Not really a good edge to grind, although tail skids and lipslides would work wonderfully here. Also found another good bank spot that is about as long as two football fields long. Waist high banks, with a nice medium transition to them. Not quite steep banks steep, but not quite do whatever trick you can think of on them. I'll get a photo of them later.

Overall the week was pure success. Managed to pull off a 90 percent on a test that I thought I would be lucky to get a 50, second highest grade in the class, making mom proud. New camera, new spots, good week.
Damn, I need to become better friends with Mazur. Nice addition.
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