Weekend Warriors
Hope everyone had a fun and safe weekend. On a random note add Joe Perrin the the injured list with a fractured foot. Get beter soon homie, and buy his video LAST OF THE MOHICANS to help him with his medical bills. Anyways , the past weekend was looking quite dim to start, Ryan Dodge made the trek up early Friday afternoon and we made it out to skate and our session was cut short due to rain, but not without Dodge filming a trick and a run. We planned a trip up to Daytona the next day, we had Russ come up and join us, along with Sam Bianchini and Fred Tan. It was pouring down rain all day Saturday in Orlando but we made the trip anyways with hopes of Daytona being better. Lucky enough it was drying up when we got up there, just in time for us to start skating. Didn't shoot one photo the whole time I was there. Too busy filming the minute and a half of footage theses dudes came up on. Heres a little preview of images.

Probably one of the best weekends in a long time. Tons of skating. Almost got arrested for skating but managed to get out of it. The cop asked what we were doing in "his" city, a small town north of Daytona, and I explained to him that I shoot photos and film for a living, he then asked me for a business card, but I didnt have one on me and he made a smart ass remark. He then told me if I had a way to prove to him that I did this for a living he would let us go scotch free, but if not he was arresting us. Long story short thanks to Fred never cleaning his car out we luckly had a copy of Focus in the car, and I basically can for once say, one for us, zero for the cop. Surpisingly he was a man of his word and let us go.
While on the subject of Focus check out the new issue in shops now. Josh Dowd has a proper Switch Front Crooks on the cover, there is a solid Last of the Mohicans interview with Joey P, and tons of 561 coverage in this issue. Check it out, See you fools Wednesday.

Probably one of the best weekends in a long time. Tons of skating. Almost got arrested for skating but managed to get out of it. The cop asked what we were doing in "his" city, a small town north of Daytona, and I explained to him that I shoot photos and film for a living, he then asked me for a business card, but I didnt have one on me and he made a smart ass remark. He then told me if I had a way to prove to him that I did this for a living he would let us go scotch free, but if not he was arresting us. Long story short thanks to Fred never cleaning his car out we luckly had a copy of Focus in the car, and I basically can for once say, one for us, zero for the cop. Surpisingly he was a man of his word and let us go.
While on the subject of Focus check out the new issue in shops now. Josh Dowd has a proper Switch Front Crooks on the cover, there is a solid Last of the Mohicans interview with Joey P, and tons of 561 coverage in this issue. Check it out, See you fools Wednesday.
front crook was done long time ago on that truck. u dont film or shoot photos for a living i doubt focus or anyone even pays u. give up
do you like stalk me or something? your right it was done a long time ago when I shot the photo, we had to go back and re film it, because no one was filming when I shot the photo. I'm sorry that your jealous that your dad's sony handcam don't take you anywhere, but I do get paid for shit.
well im happy for u dave for staying on your shit lol i need to come up some time soon
no dude is lying. hes such a clown. dude told all his new friends in orlando that ailien workshop bought his hd camera so he coul film ed selego, word travels joker . dude is a joker everyone thinks so even like most of the dudes he claims to know. maybe u get 50 bux every here and there from wakocus. learn how to skate before u claim to be some paid filmer. and dude, kids who NEED skating, u neeeeed skating look at ur blog, all skate related u need skating more then anybody. go tel ur mommy and daddy to sell ur camera and ship u out west. goon
jake speaks the truth about corn.
"Jake" why don't we start by getting our facts right from the start. Your the same dude that thinks Matlin is still the team manager for Satori. The whole Allien buying the camera, to start it was Habitat, and it was a joke between myself and two other friends. Sorry I was out skating with Ed, and a few others, just as I got the camera. Ed rides for Habitat by the way, just so you know, but just to cover my ass, yes I do know Allien and Habitat are under DNA Distribution. So I need to learn to skate? Lets see some of your footage, and well discuss who needs to learn to skate. So even if I got 50 cents a photo, from Focus, wouldn't that be considered being payed to do what I enjoy doing. I don't need to get mom and dad to pay to ship me out west, I'm actually being paid to go on a trip out there in December to shoot photos. Moving on, I never have said I needed skateboarding, this is a blog with skate related stuff, what do you expect?
man that bank to bank spot over the door look proper. any chance you're gonna give that one up?
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Glad you guys found the spots. I'd appreciate it if you didn't give the spot up.
I think you need to be spit on cornnnnnnn
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