Thursday, July 12, 2007


So yesterday I felt it is about time I get a job up here so I can have some cash flow other than what I already got. So I went on craigslist and looked for some jobs and found one washing vans. I started today, and damn did it suck. It has really motivated me to go out and take advantage of the skate spots and some of the people that live up here. There are like 4 skate shops up here and if I can shoot a photo for each one of them and get them to advertise in the magazine thats probably like $500 bucks for easy work. Plus the fact that Nix lives here and all I have to do is go pick his drunk ass up I could probably get a Yellow ad or two. I doubt I will go back to wash more vans, I am over it. $8 bucks an hour and almost a hour drive to the place isn't worth having a little more cash in the wallet to me. So I don't get to buy my Range Rover HSE next week but hey, one day. Plus if I am out shooting photos I will be skating and not listening to Oldies all the time on radio blaring at this place. Its so damn loud I cant even drowned it out with Lil Wayne as loud as it goes on my Ipod. Either I have lost my work ethnic or this job sucks.


Blogger 561 boss said...

choosing lil wayne over oldies... hah. dude is the corniest thing out in music now. i'll quote him real quick... “I’ve done kissed Juvenile and B.G…no homo.” ahhha hhahha.

11:36 AM  
Blogger Shark Senesac said...

the other day, i was flipping through channels on the tv, some how ended up watching mtv2 for a minute, then lil wayne came on. I wondered to myself, this guy probably makes an absurd amount of money; which led me to think. this guy can't be making too much money if people didn't listen to his music. naturally, i couldn't help but envision/ wounder who the fuck actually takes this person seriously enough to even illegally download he album. i guess i don't have to wonder anymore.

2:14 AM  

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