Wack Kid Wednesdays
Well sorry for the two week glitch. Had to tend to school work instead of the blog.
Well this weeks Wack Kid is by popular demand. I have had many requests for this one. He is a good friend of Reese Forbes. He claims to own the number one skate shop in Vero Beach,(because its the only skate shop in Vero), the shop was seen on MTV's Made.(which probably made prices double) His shop is home to the biggest goon in Florida. The shop was originally supposta be in a mall. His body is a mural for some of the worst tattoos known, I've never seen a world industry wet willy flame boy battle tattoo that resembles a smurf and woodstock until seeing his.
He is a person at one time I can honestly say I liked. Thought was a cool dude, and could skate damn good at one time.

This is someone who goes out of their way to make things harder for other people. Calling up reps bad mouthing them about other shops. This is the same guy who once had Nike, but now is rebelling against them, because he got caught selling kicks on Ebay , and got his account taken away. He shows up at 8am at your local skate park to sell items at cost, just to be a dick to try and put other shops out of business. If you support skateboarding, like your website says "we support and sponsor skateboarding as a way of life" then why the hell would you try and put another skate shop out of business, when they are doing exactly what you are claiming to do? I've never heard of a game of skate sponsored by New Blood, or $500 best trick by New Blood.
Former Team Rider David Perry says " Lewis is wack ".
Enough said? NO.
I think a lot of Lewis's dislike stems back to his childhood growing up in Ft Pierce and surrounding areas. From what I have established through interviews with various skateboarders who grew up with him, he was always the tag along. The kid who no one wanted to be around. He has been known to throw fits at skate parks.

It's always good too if you have so called "select or limited" goods in your shop. Mark them up as high as you possibly can. Remember you can only get these select and limited goods from him. Don't forget their limited edition version of your sisters pants. They have the shop name embroidered across the back of them. And remember we have to show up to the skate park and win the demo. Its never to go for fun, gotta win, and always let your presence be know in every way possible, wheels, boards, shirts, pants, hats, stickers, whatever.
Check back this week for some more updates.
Well this weeks Wack Kid is by popular demand. I have had many requests for this one. He is a good friend of Reese Forbes. He claims to own the number one skate shop in Vero Beach,(because its the only skate shop in Vero), the shop was seen on MTV's Made.(which probably made prices double) His shop is home to the biggest goon in Florida. The shop was originally supposta be in a mall. His body is a mural for some of the worst tattoos known, I've never seen a world industry wet willy flame boy battle tattoo that resembles a smurf and woodstock until seeing his.
He is a person at one time I can honestly say I liked. Thought was a cool dude, and could skate damn good at one time.

This is someone who goes out of their way to make things harder for other people. Calling up reps bad mouthing them about other shops. This is the same guy who once had Nike, but now is rebelling against them, because he got caught selling kicks on Ebay , and got his account taken away. He shows up at 8am at your local skate park to sell items at cost, just to be a dick to try and put other shops out of business. If you support skateboarding, like your website says "we support and sponsor skateboarding as a way of life" then why the hell would you try and put another skate shop out of business, when they are doing exactly what you are claiming to do? I've never heard of a game of skate sponsored by New Blood, or $500 best trick by New Blood.
Former Team Rider David Perry says " Lewis is wack ".
Enough said? NO.
I think a lot of Lewis's dislike stems back to his childhood growing up in Ft Pierce and surrounding areas. From what I have established through interviews with various skateboarders who grew up with him, he was always the tag along. The kid who no one wanted to be around. He has been known to throw fits at skate parks.

It's always good too if you have so called "select or limited" goods in your shop. Mark them up as high as you possibly can. Remember you can only get these select and limited goods from him. Don't forget their limited edition version of your sisters pants. They have the shop name embroidered across the back of them. And remember we have to show up to the skate park and win the demo. Its never to go for fun, gotta win, and always let your presence be know in every way possible, wheels, boards, shirts, pants, hats, stickers, whatever.
Check back this week for some more updates.
definitely man, thanks for this one
Ha Ha! That is the best descripition of the man, the myth, and the ass that I have ever read.
ahaha, that made my day!!
It sucks to have a 15 year old son who skates and we live in Vero. Where else does he hang out at times and who has won him over(Kids are so easy to sway)?
yeah, that guy is a turd. this pretty much sums him up.
The pic of him holdin up the BLOOD symbol is fucking epicly wack!!!
Lewis is the lamest mother fucker to ever exist! I used to skate with that bitch and when ever his ass would eat shit, which happened a lot because he thought he was better than he was, he throw a tantrum and cry. It was so funny to laugh behind his back with all of our friends and hope to see him eat shit again. Fortunately he fell often. I was so glad to hear about Reese knocking his faggety ass out! What a pussy. I'm thinking about cruisng to his stupid store and slapping him right now. maybe he will pass out from the fear.
Ha Ha. I agree with the above statement! He talks so much mad shit. He needs his ass kicked good, This might teach him some respect. His wack gangs of kooks bothering people at the skatepark is going to stop. Lewis stop causing drama you little bitch.
Go get some more shitty ass tattoos with all the money you make off kids with your crap ass product. Who gets their girlfriends face nestled between 2 dogs on their back anyways? Being a piece of shit has gotten you some money in the past (lawsuits). What do you think, you can keep being a dick and profiting from it? Thats not earning money, thats stealing. You deserve to get everything you get you fuck.
hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaahahahhaahhhahahhahahhahaahahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahahahuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh hahahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahahhahhhahaha times 10000
Please tell me this punk ass piece of shit isn't spawning offspring. Please save us!
wat up hes the wacks cuz he nos how to rep skaters and not police pro m0del skaters why u been anonomus this is jerrad ronda bitches nbc ugly as mutha fuckas hahaha
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