Wack Kid Wednesdays
Well this week should be good. I am pretty sure that anyone who knows this next kid, will agree that he qualifies.
I have only had to skate with him twice, thankfully. He will talk more in ten minutes, than you have in you entire life. According to him, "You gotta peep his footy cause, he nollied the convention center whatever in Tampa." Meinholz once grabbed this kid around the neck and I thought was going to beat the living shit out of him. He thought it was a good idea to cut a rail out of a perfectly good spot, just to skate the stairs. A few years ago at a Mesh contest I think it was Espinosa who tko'd this kid in the parking lot.
Oh yes folk, we are talking about the infamous Vladi.
I don't think I need to say much more, I think you guys will probably do the rest.

For those of you who don't know, I didn't either, I was informed this by a good source, he was featured on some camp woodward show on fuel tv, as "Tony". The kook in the middle.
I have only had to skate with him twice, thankfully. He will talk more in ten minutes, than you have in you entire life. According to him, "You gotta peep his footy cause, he nollied the convention center whatever in Tampa." Meinholz once grabbed this kid around the neck and I thought was going to beat the living shit out of him. He thought it was a good idea to cut a rail out of a perfectly good spot, just to skate the stairs. A few years ago at a Mesh contest I think it was Espinosa who tko'd this kid in the parking lot.
Oh yes folk, we are talking about the infamous Vladi.
I don't think I need to say much more, I think you guys will probably do the rest.

For those of you who don't know, I didn't either, I was informed this by a good source, he was featured on some camp woodward show on fuel tv, as "Tony". The kook in the middle.
haha vladi, so needed. I think you were at the mesh contest when manny santiago showed this kid a little lesson, but he was still talking shit. I think everyone can agree in skateboarding Manny Santiago > Vladi any day. This kids a piece of shit who tries to s/w 180 off cliffs hahaha. Not to mention his good ass style, sike.
vladi is definitely wack. one of THE worst dudes..ever. It was manny that socked him in the eye at mesh.
i didn't know that he was the "tony" kid at woodward, but i am not sure how true that is. vladi definitely dresses more gangster than that. this past expo he had two rings on EACH finger, i kid you not.
dude is a goon
Vladi is the wackest kid I've ever met.... but you're holding a solid second corn.
2 completely different people
Vladi vlsucks vldick.
yeah that niggas a fuckboy id slap the dumbfuck out of that fool if i ever caught his again
alot of anonymous posting... thats kinda wack if ya ask me, man up nancy kerrigan's!!!
man that cat trys to be so hardbody in reality hes a bitch made pussy i dare that goon to come back to miami
what happened to the other post i thought this whole blog was for entertainment purposes only?
yeah.. well when you get phone calls from parents.
yarrr I got me a blog spot now.
whose parents? i bet that little 13 year old kids' parents
Everyone!!! fuck this blog come to mines! cornscloset is now where everyone who hasnt come out of the closet goes! hence the title cornscloset! im not trying to stick around to see how many horny gay dudes can fit in it!
don't everybody run now..
Where's the Wednesday wackness?
That kid was on TV talking about how he's living broke but he was inexplicably at Woodward. Huh.
time for a new wack kid, your slacking you piece of shit
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