Top 3 with Ryan Ricci
1 Washington DC
2 Miami- I know it is cliché
3 Denver-I hate the Broncos
Golf Courses
2 Innesbrook
3 Pine Lakes
Skate Videos
1 Mouse
2 Destination Failure
3 Life in the Fast Lane
1 Mike Carrol
2 Brandon Biebel
3 96 Tom Penny
4 Tom Boyle – Shout out to my man Shark
Skate Spots
1 The Wall/Dirt McGirt/Sharkeys/Old YMCA
3 Marble Everything at Memorial Center Jax
Condom Brands
1 None- interrogate first(remember if she doesn't care now, she probably never
2 Cut the tops off feels like a turtle neck, plus STDs are cooler than
condoms(then people know your getting some)
3 Ultra, Ultra thin- any brand
Places to bang
1 Elevators- you get to the finish line fast
2 Pool/hot tub keeps you clean, leaves a floater
3 Anywhere I can I will try
Hottest Woman
1 Jessica Beil new GQ check it
2 Adriana Lima- I miss you girl
3 Kate Beckinsale- hottest mom alive
Non Skate Sponsors
1 Mom- I know its cool
2 Tecate- 10 dollar 12 packs of good beer = me happy
3 Nike-once again
Athletes of all time
1 Bo Jackson-not even debatable
2 Ozzie Smith-backflips, yea backflips
3 Deion/Barry Sanders- you've seen em
Sports Teams of all time
1 Raiders-I love AL DAVIS
2 Cardinals- World Series Champs
3 Raiders