Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Steven Hammas

From the Closet today comes the part from the Durante brothers.

So far from watching all the videos I have to say Joe's part was probably my favorite part.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Fully Flared 2

Just incase you missed it on the Lakai site

Hatred in brolando

First Ill start with these...

Ok so I wanted to do another bro down article with the second kid Rodney and, his brother is Jimmy Macinnes, who is a washed up ex Lib Tech Pro. Still would have been some coverage in the magazine for me. I was always cool with the kid Rodney so I contacted him last week sometime to see if he was down. I got the reply back today. My boyfrined derek told me about you talking shit. blah blah blah... So I'm egotistical or how ever the hell you spell it for not wanting spots that I put my time into finding to get blown up, hmmm I guess I'm wrong for being that way; now that when Mitch and I went to the bank spot we got kicked out cause of so many kids going there. Quote on Quote "Let's just say, you better hope I don't run into you." hmm a threat is it? Yeah and just so you know Radney, you arent too rad.

I want honest opinions here. Am I wrong for being this way about spots? I'm pretty sure Mitch, John, Brandon, and Chris Williams will be on the pedestal with me. If we're "all part of the same thing" I guess I wouldnt have had to wrtie that and you and your boys would have heeded to my word and just waited to skate the spot?

So anyways enough skate drama, thats what Fuel and MTV is for, here is the convicted felon himself, Carson.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Rainy days, chocolate sundays

Rain sucks. No skating today, here is The intro and Justin Browning's part. No one voiced there opinion so...

Saturday, July 28, 2007

In My Neighborhood

So since I have been uploading the video, I realized how much fun and time I put into this video. I look back upon it now and realize so many things that I should have done and left out. It was a learning experience for me to say the least. To start here is Joe Villa's part, with a guest appearence of Brad Cushing. I think Joe and I filmed most of his part in seriously 2 maybe 3 months. I remember orginally Joe and I wanted to call the video Another Sunday Morning, but I knew the video wasnt going to have the feel of Sunday Morning. Brad pretty much gave birth to Sunday Morning and it wouldnt have been right for him to only have a few tricks in this video if we called it that.

So who's part are you looking forward to seeing next?

Danny and James
Josh and Compton

Put your votes in and thats who I'll put up tommorrow.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Cleaning out the Closet

So Dvd sales on In My Neighborhood have hit rock bottom and I dug up some parts off the hard drive. I'll start posting them on youtube, to start it off here is none other than the pusher men themselves Tom Jones, and Gordo. Enjoy.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Casualties of a Dice Game

So this week in skate photography has sucked for me. Went out with Kass and he got hurt while we were trying to shoot this, you can pretty much guess what happend from the photo. So as of right now I have shot zero photos for ads which equals me washing more cars.

smith grind attempt

Mitch was tring this pole and almost did it, just wait till you see what he wants to do at this spot. Hopefully he will do it.

pole jammed

Besides this I have been washing cars and taking notes in school this week. Focus video deadline is August 1st so I need to get a tape off to Mark Brandsetter for that. Ryan Oconner returns from NYC August 5th, which gives me someone to skate with. Skated the Maitland quaterpipes tonight and I'm working on a trick for that spot. Hopefully someone will appear in Orlando this weekend. Mitch, John, Brandon, Teak. Someone save me from this life of handrails and hubba photos.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Party Of Teed

Mitch returns home from Pittsburgh today and I have to go pick him up at the airport. I would get him out to skate but he is lacking a board seeings that the night before he left for Pittsburgh he broke it out of anger skating a ledge spot here. Check back later this week for more updates.

Monday, July 16, 2007

photos of skateboarding

The first two photos are of Brandon Damron that I never used for anything. A proper and high bump to fs noseslider. The first ergo ad is featured in Eastern Surf Magazine and the second is featured in Focus Skate Magazine, which both I shot. Besides the surf photo.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


So yesterday I felt it is about time I get a job up here so I can have some cash flow other than what I already got. So I went on craigslist and looked for some jobs and found one washing vans. I started today, and damn did it suck. It has really motivated me to go out and take advantage of the skate spots and some of the people that live up here. There are like 4 skate shops up here and if I can shoot a photo for each one of them and get them to advertise in the magazine thats probably like $500 bucks for easy work. Plus the fact that Nix lives here and all I have to do is go pick his drunk ass up I could probably get a Yellow ad or two. I doubt I will go back to wash more vans, I am over it. $8 bucks an hour and almost a hour drive to the place isn't worth having a little more cash in the wallet to me. So I don't get to buy my Range Rover HSE next week but hey, one day. Plus if I am out shooting photos I will be skating and not listening to Oldies all the time on radio blaring at this place. Its so damn loud I cant even drowned it out with Lil Wayne as loud as it goes on my Ipod. Either I have lost my work ethnic or this job sucks.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Back To Reality

So its mid week and its finally kicked in that I am stuck back here in Brolando. Its 102 out right now so I'm not to inclined to go skate so I have to comprimise and go to Islands of Adventure instead. 2 minute waits for front of the hulk isnt bad considering its mid summer. Skated last night for a while and it wasnt bad so I think another solo night time mission will be up tonight. Hopefully I can get some type of entertainment for you fools by the end of the week.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Closet for the Week of July 9th

So here I am for some more ramblings from the closet. So my vacation to NY was pretty good. Started off Friday night around 9pm after I picked up my friend Kristen, from Jensen. Drove up I-85 to somewhere in Georgia; Saturday morning till about 4 am and took a short nap and continued my way to Atlanta, arrived in ATL around 8 am and waited about two hours ate at Varsity and spotted this from the parking lot, no longer is it the bellsouth builing its ATT now.

Then I gave Russ a call, and to my luck Russ was in Jensen for his birthday. Happy Birthday buddy. The one weekend I drive to ATL he chooses to go back to Jensen. So from Atlanta I drove about 4 more hours to South Carolina. Stopped by a waterfall for a hot second and then got back on the road.

Drove thru Raleigh, NC saw the long marble benches that they skated in Hot Chocolate Tour, and a few other spots. I called it a day shortly after making it out of Raleigh. The next day we made it thru Washington DC and stayed in Baltimore. Baltimore is a sketchy ass place. I payed something like $89 for a hotel that I thought was the Bates Motel, it was sketch, but I needed to sleep. The next day I stopped by Philly to see Mazur and see whats been happening around Philly, Pete Eldridge is Mazur neighbor and he came over and we went to lunch. After launch with them we packed up and finally got to New York, drove around and finally found a hotel, it looked normal from the lobby and then when we got out of the elevator I thought for sure we were gonna see to twins walk around the corner. Holly shit I thought I we were stuck in the shining. Thank god I only paiid for one night cause the next day we were out of there and I was getting a normal hotel hopefully. The next 2 nights where at a finally normal hotel, no mirrors and sketchy writings on the walls. I came real close to getting a 561 tattoo, but deciede that someone else other than Jack is gonna have to get one with me and that some place I stumbled upon in NY isnt a good idea. Gave Kristen the tourist tour of NY and took her to a few skatespots while I asked for a bit.

Spent the 4th in Battery Park watching the fireworks and the next day, met up with a friend who is incharge of the Howard Stern Show and got a full tour of the studio. It's definitly way bigger than you could ever imagine it to be. Left NY later that day for the trek home. Stopped by Richmond,Va hoping to meet up with COOF for a little skateboarding, but he never called back so we spent the night there and left the next day. Three miles exactly from the NC State boarder, one of VA's finest decided that he would give me a speeding ticket. 80 in a 65. Tight.

Teak should be in the shop by next week at the latest he is currently 28 hours in and just got to New Orleans. Some Dope and Rap is playing and I think its like 100+ degrees outside. Maybe a midnight skate session tonight if I am luck.
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